- Gautama Buddha
- Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
- Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumoured by many.
- Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
- Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
- Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
- But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.
Wilton Windmill, Nr Wilton, Wiltshire Reported 22nd May 2010.
Euler Identity e^(i)pi+1=0
Crop ASCII e^(hi)pi)1=0
Crop ASCII corrected e^(hi)pi+1=0
I was on Richard C. Hoagland's Facebook page and a fan of his may have decoded what the Wilton Crop Circle means. Hoagland states that the gold record that was on Voyager had communications of who we are and where we are at and that someone may be trying to contact us in return!! Remember that Voyager was the one where the signal was tampered with and sent back code that was not understood? I think someone is trying to tell us something!!!!!!!!!!!! - CHINESE CROP CIRCLE ALBUM (REPRODUCED)
Note: Avebury Manor crop circle.21 December 2012 - Avebury Manor, near Avebury UK Formed 15/07/08
- PICTURES OF CROP CIRCLES IN 2008 England. Avebury Manor, nr Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 15th July
The Avebury Manor crop circle that is claimed to be related to a Dec 21-23 2012 event. There is an unknown object located between Uranus and Neptune depicted on the sketch of the planets depicted:
The unknown object appears to located about a third of the way from Neptune going towards Uranus. This location is about:
333o + ~12o = 345o
This is thought to be the ascending node date for the threatening comet debris. Subtracting 180o gives 165o This loosely correlates with Earth threatening object #4 listed above (threatening Earth near September 4). The question is how to interpret this crop circle. It is thought that this means that the main threat to Earth during this period (1991 AD +/- 24 one sigma years) will be departing the solar system as of Dec. 2012 because the object is far away (in the outer solar system) and on its opposite side. The exact distance of the object depicted is not as important as its angular position just as the exact distance was not important in the meteors/comets depicted in crop circle T367. If this crop circle is truly alien generated, it suggests that THEY THINK the main threat is during the September 4 +/- 6 days in the 2010, 2011, or 2012 time frame. This seems to argue that the 8 October 2009 Indonesian atmospheric impact explosion is not the anticipated weather changing impact event for this period. "Our SENTINEL all-sky camera picked up 25 bright meteors in a shower that began at 0620 UT Sept. 9th 2008 and lasted approximately 4 hours," reports NASA.\
Image From SENTINEL All-Sky Camera - 9 September 2008.
Crop Circle T367.
The heliocentric longitudes seem to be related to the Comet Descending Node Date when the debris passes by Earth’s orbit and is 180o removed from these values. The threat dates which were originally anticipated for 2007 as derived from the 1995 crop circle T367 (The Solar System). THE 2007, 2033 OR 2039 STRIKE DATES. These now appear to be related to general times the Earth may be at risk of cosmic debris strikes from an Earth threatening comet in the years of or after 2007. Thus the related dates when Earth may be threatened apparently are:
December 21 2012 AD
22 July Additions to 2012 Crop Circle - Avebury Manor, near Avebury UK Formed 22/07/08 Disinformation appearing a week later?
- HONEY STREET, NR ALTON BARNES, WILTSHIRE. - Reported 27th June. A cloud covered Earth. The image is shaded in whites. Note that part of the Earth is clear and it appears like the winds are carrying dust from a comet or meteor impact around the Earth.
The new formation is obviously a diagrammatic representation of the Sun and planets (with no care for proper astronomical proportions). But the smaller inner ones (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are clearly delineated from the giant outer ones (Jupiter, Saturn Uranus and Neptune).
And there is a huge Sun with an unusual reversing swirl lay.
The crop circle formation at Avebury Manor seems to depict our solar-system (not in proportional scale) on December 21, (+/-) 2012 - the highly debated end of the Mayan calendar (or at least one of the most prominent interpretations of that date). Whatever this means and who-or-whatever created this crop circle, I do not know - but the basic message of it is quite clear. - PHOENIX CROP CIRCLE MAY PREDICT END OF THE WORLD - 15 Jun 2009
Crop circle experts believe the latest pattern to be discovered, a phoenix rising from the flames in Wiltshire, may give a warning about the end of the world.
"Within the crop circle community many believe the designs are constantly referring to December 21 and its aftermath.
"This could be interpreted as the human race or earth rising again after a monumental event.
"The patterns are becoming more intricate with every find and it is exciting to think how they are going to evolve by the time we get to 2012."
The formation, measuring 150ft in diameter, is apparently a coded image representing the first 10 digits, 3.141592654, of pi. - MARTINSELL HILL, NR WOOTTON RIVERS, WILTSHIRE. Reported 25th June 2009. A comet or meteor approaching Earth? Impact 9 days away (circa 4 July) in the water?
- ETCHILHAMPTON AUGUST 15, 2006, WHEAT FORMATION - Lucy Pringle photo close- up.
The circle in this crop formation is not perfectly round as measured by the lines of the pyramid-like structure superimposed on it. One edge of the lines of the pyramid-like structure seems to overlap the top of the circle, but not the bottom of it. Trevor Ward has noted that the arcs involved where the pyramid like structure crosses the circle are 20o and 70o. This may imply a date of 2070, or a location of 20o and 70o. There are four ambiguous locations, but the implication of the slight offset of the pyramid-like structure from the center of the circle implies that the 20o is a latitude and the 70o a longitude. A north latitude would place the impact in the Arabian Sea (part of the Indian Ocean). Trevor tracked the south-east arm of the formation using a road map that had a south-east link on the corner of each map and tracked the direction all the way down through to Portsmouth just above the Isle of Wight. From a world map he ran a line from Devizes through Portsmouth and it came out in the Arabian Sea. The location is anticipated to be good to only one significant figure and thus have an error of +/- 5o.
The pyramid-like structure is reminiscent of the blast of an impact. The Bible Code indicates a tsunami from an impact in India or Indian area, but the dates do not quite match up. But another impact Code does have a 2006 date (+/- at least a year) with a predicted India impact (the other 2010 data is frequently found in the Bible Code data and may be specious). The thin long lines, 9/10 inches wide, suggests that this formation is of alien origin. Space mobile aliens may have a way to pinpoint precise impact points of meteors or comets threatening Earth. Another likely alien T367 Crop Circle formation is believed to suggest the date when the next threatening comet swarm first becomes visible. Comets often just become visible at a distance comparable to the asteroid belt. Thus, at least one of the comets/meteors from this swarm is anticipated to threaten (impact) Earth either 95 or 80 + 95 = 175 days after 25 February 2007.
Etchilhampton - near Devizes, Wiltshire UK Formed 15/08/06
Credit Lucy Pringle and Trevor J. Ward. - ETCHILHAM CLOSE UP - Lucy Pringle photo close-up.
- ETCHILHAMPTON HILL -15/08/06 - Lucy Pringle photo close-up.
- MILK HILL 1991 - a message
I looked out the window and saw a burned circle in the spot where the disk had been. I told my mother and we walked out together. She found what appeared to be bundles of straight, stiff tinsel in the grass. My mother picked it up and put it in the attic with the saved newspaper from 1952.
It was a week later my mother went to the attic and realized the paper was gone and so was the bundled tinsel. We never saw it again.
The burned circle in the field stayed dead for many years. Nothing would grow there. This event (circa 1959) is an early recording of a 'crop circle', one caused by a saucer landing or taking off while its AAD (AERODYNAMIC AUGMENTATION DEVICE is operating. - CROP PATTERN SPARKS FRESH DEBATE
Some say the pattern is made by mysterious forces and features symbols from the ancient Mayan civilization which mark the beginning of a new world order.
Is it possible that someone or thing is trying to communicate with us using imagery from a culture more than 1,000 years old. "That long cycle ends in 2012 - it's the end of a cycle, the end of a time. A new era is starting for the solar system."
Mark Fussell, who runs the Crop Circle Connector website and makes DVDs of crop circles, believes whatever the cause, the designs should be appreciated as works of art. "There have been ones that are better - there was an 'alien disc' two years ago," he said. "There have always been really good ones each season. "These circles are much better than some of the junk in the Tate - some of the stuff they call 'art'." The only "artistic" crop circles considered by this site to be of alien origin are:
- The Solar System Crop Circle.
http://www.barry.warmkessel.com/2000Paper.html#2.2 - 'Arecibo Message' Crop Circle.
http://www.cropcircleresearch.com/articles/arecibo.html - "I oppose acts of craft and cunning" Crop Circle.
http://www.lovely.clara.net/crop_circles-history91.html - The 2002 'Alien Face' Formation. http://www.cropcircleresearch.com/articles/alienface.html
http://www.barry.warmkessel.com/SAUCERS6.html - The Solar System Crop Circle.
This Amazing Crop Circle features an Ancient Egypt mosaic in the centre and symbols from the Mayan Calendar around the rim. The Calendar predicted the end of the world in 2012, will be feature in the New Crop Circle Connector DVD CIRCLECHASERS 2004 out in October. - CHILBOLTON, HAMPSHIRE, ENGLAND - New details come to light, Chilbolton Mystery Deepens
In August of 2001, some of the most detailed crop circle images ever seen appeared near the Chilbolton radio telescope (6 and 7). One of the images was an intricately designed face (7), the other a reply to the 'Arecibo' message sent by astronomers in 1974 (6). Now Colin Andrews has discovered in his files that the same field was the scene of strange events in the early nineties.
A strange grid design appeared in an adjacent field in 1991 [1990](1 and 2), and the next year there were three mysterious aircraft failures over the field, two involving ultralights and a third involving a hot-air balloon.
In the first of these incidents, the plane's engine cut out and could not be restarted. The pilot was forced down into a nearby barley field. Back at his airport, nothing could be found wrong with the engine.
The next day, May 21, pilot Graham King flew his ultralight over the field and also experienced engine failure. Again, the plane had to be landed in the same field the pilot the day before had used. Again, nothing was found wrong with the engine.
Then, on May 22nd, 1992, a formation was discovered in a nearby field, a large circle enclosed in two rings (3). On that same day, a hot air balloon that happened to be aloft in the area was drawn out of the natural wind pattern and ended up over the crop circle, where it lost altitude and had to be grounded in an adjacent field.
This mystery is another example of a question that could probably be answered with proper scientific inquiry, and illustrates the fact that the crop circle phenomenon is the visible edge of a much deeper enigma.
[A extraordinary design was found at Chilbolton on the 12th June, 1999 (4) with a diamond design resembling it nearby but formed by darker than normal colored plants (8)
The spectacular pattern (5) appeared directly outside the fence of the radio telescope on 13th August, 2000 and it was this spot chosen for 'The Message' (6) one year later] - DODGE COUNTY MAN SEES CROP CIRCLES FORM
- THE HISTORY OF CROP CIRCLES - 1991. Now explain this. See the 4th paragraph:
This was also the summer when serious contamination of formations began to take place. Some of the hoaxing was done by pranksters and sociopaths looking for attention, some by mischief makers. But, more sinisterly, it was also carried out by known government infiltrators who purposely added man-made features to genuine formations in a attempt to throw the researchers into total confusion. At the height of the hoaxing, an American tourist etched out huge letters on the side of a hill, 'Talk to us'. A reply came back a few days later when a most bizarre-looking formation resembling Hebrew script appeared at Milk Hill. Thought to be a hoax at first but since confirmed to be genuine, it was translated from Free-masonic script by Dr. Gerald Hawkins as APPONO ASTOS "We are opposed to cunning and deceit." How appropriate given the circumstances. To this day this formation represents the closest the Circle-makers have come to communicating in script form. - CAN WE BELIEVE IT? YOU BET YOUR LIFE! found in the 1999 Paper further defines attempts by a well financed group to cover up crop circle related alien communications.
- 'TALK TO US' In August of 1991 a crop circle researcher wrote 'TALK TO US' in the grain. In the middle of August in Alton Barnes in Wiltshire a peculiar inscription with unknown letters and language became visible in the flattened grain. The English archaeologist, founder and president of the CCCS (Center for Crop Circle Studies), Michael Green identified the letters as a form of Hebrew.
- PROF. HAWKINGS' T367 ANALYSIS contains slightly different measurements, but still nearly the same impact date (within two days), 2033 AD vice this site's 2007 AD as deduced in the THE 2007, 2033 OR 2039 STRIKE DATES section of the 1999 Paper.
It is possible that intelligent life exists on other planets besides earth. Jesuit director of the Vatican observatory, Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, said this in an interview in the Vatican’s newspaper ‘Osservatore Romano‘. - GERALD HAWKINS' WORK ON CROP CIRCLES AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY AND DIATONIC RATIOS. or IBID - (See CPRI Newsletter, Autumn/Winter 1995/1996, and 1996/1997).
- CROP-CIRCLE LITMUS TEST? Affected plants also have characteristics suggesting the involvement of transient high temperatures
- CROP CIRCLE ROUNDUP A summary of Britain's 1990 crop circles.
- CROP CIRCLE CORNER One English contact states firmly that a review of old aerial photographs found no complex patterns at all (Like those that were found circa 1990). See CAN WE BELIEVE IT? section of the 1999 Paper
"The folks at Earthfiles...have been used by a government disinformation operative for the purpose of killing public interest in the message of the Crabwood formation though fruitless and misleading conjecture." At that time, the evidence behind our claim was circumstantial. Now we have a smoking gun! And the interesting thing is that this is not even the half of it. It seems that E.T. has a disinformation bone to pick as well! - WE MADE CONTACT.
- CROP CIRCLES - The harvest of the end of the gospel age
A brand new lay pattern (the manner in which the plants are laid down) --seen for the first time anywhere in the world so far as we know - has now been documented in a wheat field in Greene County, Ohio. - CROP CIRCLES PREDICT FUTURE COMETS/ASTEROIDS
It appears that Wayland's Smithy 2006 contains, in three places, a square grid of mini circles within each of its three longest arms. Those appear similar in form to the 19 mini circles seen last year in the Celtic Cross formation, symbolizing the 19-year cycle of the Moon.
But now (and we can't tell from the current photo), the new Wayland's Smithy formation seems to contain a 6 x 8 grid of mini circles within each long arm, to give 6 x 8 = 48 (?) in total. Months, weeks or days? My guess would be "48 weeks", which when added to its date of formation as July 8, 2006, might yield early June 2007 for when the explosion-gravity wave shown reaches Earth.
It was made at Wayland's Smithy, close to the spectacular Mayan calendar made last year. Recall that I decoded that Mayan calendar last year to derive a date of August 13-16, 2007 for the same near-future event: two months off or not?
Thus, T367's comets are also anticipated to threaten Earth either 95 or 80 + 95 = 175 days after 25 February 2007 - about this same time. - Crop Circles 2004 - MAYAN CALENDER CROP CIRCLE
The Mayans were around 4500 years ago - so where did they get the information to design this calendar? Showing our solar system and galaxy The Akadian seal, depciting Vulcan, is 4500 years old.
Why did the ancient Mayan or pre-Maya choose December 21st, 2012 A.D., as the end of their Long Count calendar? This article will cover some recent research. Scholars have known for decades that the 13-baktun cycle of the Mayan "Long Count" system of timekeeping was set to end precisely on a winter solstice, and that this system was put in place some 2300 years ago. This amazing fact - that ancient Mesoameri- can skywatchers were able to pinpoint a winter solstice far off into the future - has not been dealt with by Mayanists. And why did they choose the year 2012? This period of time is the so called Mayan "Great Cycle" of the Long Count and equals 5125.36 years. Note that the last date is not only a katun beginning, but a baktun beginning as well. It is, indeed, the end date of 2012.6 This is early July of 2012. One of the threatening comet orbit streams could again pass near earth orbit on 5 July +/- 6 days.
This crop circle and plates to match could very well be ET's way of warning us of earth's approach and procession through the dark rift. Showing a planetary body passing between us and the sun- going back thru with a nearby miss of our planet hereby causing a pole shift and counter rotational spin of our planet signifying the square-and the dawn of a new age for the planet
- FILER'S FILES #47 - 2009 - Nov 18, 2009
California Sightings
TRACY ?On November 9, 2009, this sighting was forwarded to UFOS Northwest from the Tracy Press. A slowly moving band of deep blue lights were seen in the cloudless southern Tracy sky Monday night that had a few people wondering Tuesday morning what the heck it was they saw.
“This appeared to be some kind of aircraft, though it had no blinking strobes, no red nor white ones; and wasn’t making any sudden movements.” Is Our Aerodynamic Augmentation Device Operational? - COLD FUSION EXPERIMENTALLY CONFIRMED - 03/23/2009 Just like in the 1974 North Carolina case.
REVERSE ENGINEERING THE ARK http://www.barry.warmkessel.com/barry/NOAH.html#12
By This Golden Ratio is used throughout the Ark's construction. Define y as its length, b as its maximum beam, m as the average beam width, d as its depth, and A as the circumscribed deck area (minus Moon Pool). M is the "deck area" of the Moon Pool and z & w is its length & width. Further, define MBP as the point along the length of the vessel where the maximum beam width occurs. Then MPB – S is the distance from this point to the stern and MPB – B is the distance to the bow. The MBP – S is the longest of these extensions (like a board protruding out of a structure), and thus the segment most susceptible to vibration. Windsor found the "phi" proportions in the Ark relic at least eight times.10 They have been reformulated in Table 13 to be linear in terms of phi because a linear relationship is thought to be fundamental to reducing vibrations in a vessel. Assume that the Ark's design criterion was to have the deck area of one acre and to take a 10,000" or 833' trough to crest non-broadside wave - at least one time (although Windsor has doubts about it surviving a high velocity tsunami).
Phi is a natural number that defines the structure of an ocean wave (and how the Ark would "ride" one). Windsor believes that including phi in the design some way reduces resonate vibrations that would tend to destroy the vessel. Note that the above phi relationships all involve linear ratios that could define an imaginary plate. Phi has very interesting properties related to the modes of vibration in thin plate structures and the frequency mixing (heterodyning) of electro-magnetic wave- forms as follows:
For a thin rectangular plate with free edges and using the standard equations of motion where the dimensions of the lengths of the edges are in the ratio (51/2+1)/2 = 1.618033989 (the golden ratio), the first two modes will occur at the same natural frequency (eigenvalue). The mode shapes (eigenvectors) will be very different however. One of the modes is the first bending mode and the other is the first twisting mode. Thus, a forced natural vibration induced in one mode will be shared, and damped, by the other mode.
Take two frequencies, f1 = 1 unit, and f2 = a frequency that is Phi times larger, or f2 = 1.6180339 f1, and modulate them (nonlinearly mix them). The two new frequencies are the sum (2.6180339f) and the difference (0.6180339f) of the two frequencies. That is the same as Phi2f and Phi-1f. These powers of Phi are automatically generated whenever two frequencies that are related by a ratio equal to Phi are mixed or "heterodyned".
Apparently when impulse energy is put into a thin plate of golden ratio dimensions, two separate vibration modes are stimulated. Any fastenings onto supporting structures (bulkhead members, etc.) will dampen this energy. Distributing energy naturally in two separate modes accentuates the dampening. This is why the phi constant was so extensively integrated in the Ark's design. It is a natural way to distribute impulse energy and limit the hull vibration that could damage the vessel. - ROSWELL DEBRIS CONFIRMED AS EXTRATERRESTRIAL: Lab Located, Scientists Named
he documents suggest that after the crash, the US government attempted to develop a unique material that is today referred to as memory metal. This shape- recovery alloy was reported by several witnesses to the Roswell crash in the summer of 1947. The lightweight "morphing" material was able to be crumpled or deformed and then return itself instantly and seamlessly to its original state. The metallurgical discoveries that resulted from these studies were then "seeded" for further technology development to other government agencies (including NASA) and through a series of military contracts to universities and industry.
The Battelle memory metal report is titled "Second Progress Report on Contract AF33 (038)-3736" and was completed for Wright Patterson Air Force Base in 1949. It is authored by C.M. Craighead, F. Fawn and L.W. Eastwood. It appears to be part of a series of such contracts conducted through the early 1950s. Interestingly, the scientists who authored the report were very closely associated with Battelle's chief Titanium metallurgist (and later, Battelle's UFO researcher for Project Bluebook) Dr. Howard Cross, previously mentioned. The scientists went on to author reports on exotic metallurgy that related to such areas as "metal and superplasticity," "metal transformation," and "metal microstructures."
Air Force General George Schulgen (who led Intelligence at the Pentagon at the time of the Roswell incident) authored a previously-marked “secret” draft memo on the flying saucer issue on October 30, 1947- about four months after the crash.
In the verified version of this memo is found a section entitled "Items of Construction." Schulgen instructs his officers to be aware of flying objects and their materials of construction. He specifically notes the "unusual fabrication methods to achieve extreme lightweight" and that the material is of a "composite construction...using various combinations of metals."
Schulgen is describing precisely some of the very characteristics of Nitinol. Just like the Roswell debris material, it is an "extreme lightweight" intermetallic alloy. As a novel "composite construction," it is created by an "unusual fabrication" method that "uses a combination of metals"- perhaps like Titanium and Nickel.
Battelle scientist Elroy John Center has stated that he analyzed metal from a crashed UFO when he was employed by the Institute. Center was a Senior Research Chemist who worked for Battelle for nearly two decades, from 1939 to 1957. This has been confirmed by both his University of Michigan alumni files and by the location of scientific papers that he authored during his employment while at Battelle. - SOURCES OF EARTH-BOMBARDING COSMIC RAYS MAY HAVE BEEN LOCATED
"These two results may be due to the same, or different, astrophysical phenomenon,
"However, they both suggest the presence of high-energy particle acceleration in the vicinity of the earth. Our new findings point to general locations for the localized excesses of cosmic-ray protons." The cosmic rays appear to originate from an area in the sky near the constellation Orion. UFO engines emit high energy protons. - DEFENSE CONTRACTOR LEAKS DETAILS OF A U.S. ANTIGRAVITIC SPACE FIGHTER-BOMBER, THE ADVANCED TAW-50
I hope you aren't still thinking that our military technology stopped at the level of the end of World War II. This message should shatter that mindset completely. A plane that can travel at 33,000 mph??? And how did we get all of this? Why by taking some of the crashed EXTRA TERRESTRIAL AIRCRAFT and Back Engineering them! Read this and get up to date in your thinking. The alien technology patents held by some members of the Vulcan team lend themselves to developing such high-speed aircraft. Specifically, patents #5,791,599 and #5,797,563. - FIVE REASONS WHY UFOs ARE NOT EXTRATERRESTRIAL MACHINES J. Vallee, a computer scientist and prolific writer on the subject, demurs, and he gives five reasons why (they are not). However, MANKIND'S COMBO ENSOULED INTELLIGENT LIFE FORM - EILFS and the associated section THE ASTRO-METRICS VERSION OF THE HILL MAP offers the location of some of their home star systems and technology patents #5,635,905, #5,791,599 and #5,797,563 (see details in the THE STRIKE DATES section of the 1999 Paper) explains some of their technology.
- B-24 SIGHTS "CIRCLES OF LIGHT" The still-unexplained balls of light ("foo fighters") seen by Allied pilots over wartime Germany were duplicated in the Pacific. The B-24 first observed two red circles of light approaching the plane from below while still over the Truk atoll. At daybreak, the light changed to a steady white glow UFO's at low altitudes over the oceans often glow red and yellow from ionized trace minerals in the air. During the day, it appears as a white glow, similar to that found when solar furnace beams are focused on the air. The UFO's ionize air directly in front of them and separate the ions with a magnetic field (thus artificially thinning the air). This patented technology is briefly explained in the THE STRIKE DATES section of the 1999 Paper and offers a mechanism as to why UFO's can move so fast.
- A HUNGARIAN UFO the objects were spherical and about 50-100 yards wwide. He said one flew at the speed of 2,626 miles per hour.
- BALL OF LIGHT CLOCKED AT 1,800 MILES/SECOND! August 21, 1996. Sarpy County, NE. Perhaps 1,800 miles per second should really be 1,800 miles per hour. This velocity would be comparable with that of another very speedy "ball of light. On May 25, 1997. Near Loco, Oklahoma Scientists at the Astrophysics Department at the University of Oklahoma believe the object was solid and may have been traveling between 9,000 and 20,000 mph."
- CHILEAN ASTRONOMER REPORTS UNIDENTIFIED ATMOSPHERIC PHENOMENA as it approached the zenith, I could see that it was in fact a group of at least 30 lights distributed in a broad, symmetrical V-configuration. OUR COMBO'S PRIEST SPECIES denotes these as the Priest species, possibly originating from Alpha Centauri B.
There is something strange in the skies of Pernambuco. Unexplained lights, cigar shaped luminous objects, small points crossing space at prodigious speed have been seen along the coast, particularly in the municipality of Brejo da Madre de Deus, locate 219 kilometers from the capital.
One of the witnesses interviewed by the ufologist, claims having seen UFOs on repeated. "My wife and I were standing on the porch to our house when we saw an object in the sky, resembling a cigar, surrounded by 20 smaller disc-shaped objects, flying in disarray. He has also seen UFOs over the Guararapes Airport in the municipality of Cupira, 168 kilometers north of Recife. "Some even saw one land and disgorge little men who helped themselves to the guava trees." This is a classic UFO case, see Table H- 13 and Figure V-2. A Glowing Cylindrical Ship, Many Disk Or Spherical UFO's, With Angel Hair Raining Down. - CLYPEOLOGY comes from Latin "clypei ardentes", which means "burning shields". Many ancient documents written in Sanskrit, especially one called "Vimanika", found in 1875 inside an old Indian temple, describe how to build and pilot "vimanas", a celestial chariot (UFO). Other documents claimed that "Gods" traveled everywhere on them. They were made of wood (epoxy?), metal or both. The wooden ones were covered with a substance that gave them a great resistance, lightness and strength. An alloy of two white and one red metal (copper, magnesium and aluminum?) was used. This alloy was soldered (without joints) to the surface of the vimana. The vimanas were shiny and lightful (bright) during the night! Through the personal vibrations (a trait likely exploited by our our Combo's Priest EILF) the object could levitate.
- MYSTERY SIGNALS BEAM FROM SPACE Billion of signals from space have been analyzed, but only 164 signals cannot be explained either in terms of natural phenomena or human causes. Since some of these 164 signal sources are fixed in the same locations in the sky indicating sentient extraterrestrial beings.
- HIJACK - Southern and the Alien
Although TV piracy involving a home-made transmitter does occur, these only reach a very small section of the population, running into the hundreds, possibly thousands. The most famous and best-documented TV piracy incidents involve the hijacking of existing broadcasters' transmitters, so that many more people can be reached.
An early example occurred in the UK, late afternoon on November 28, 1977, at a time when public interest in UFOs and aliens was running high. During the news, being read by Ivor Mills, a voice interrupted the broadcast (the pictured remained of the newsreader) that introduced itself as "Gramaha, the representative of the Asta Galactic Command." The broadcast lasted five-and-a- half minutes, during which time the voice warned against the use of nuclear weapons and said, "You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill."
There are various pages on the Internet relating to this incident – should you do more research remember to take them with a pinch of salt! - GRAMAHA: ALIEN VOICE FROM THE ETHER
In 1977, television viewers throughout the Southern ITV region of England were watching a local news bulletin read by Ivor mills when it was suddenly interrupted. At around 5:12 PM on November 16, an authoritative voice overrode the station signal and began by announcing himself as, "Gramaha, the representative of the Asta Galactic Command."
Bemused viewers sat and listened for the next five-and-a-half minutes as the speaker warned mankind against the use of nuclear energy while cautioning that, "You have but a short time to live together in peace and good will."
Engineers at the time had been unable to cut off the broadcast via any of them, as Gramaha's message continued unhindered from an unknown power source apparently not linked to the regular electrical supply. A hoax it might have been, but it was a highly organized, sophisticated and above all an expensive effort on the part of those involved.
There are at least 10 alien warnings of an impending catastrophe as well as Crop Circle T367 and the alien construction of Noah's ark. Viewed in this contents, perhaps this warning is credible also. - UFO'S AND WHAT WE CALL ALIENS OR EXTRATERRESTRIAL VISITORS
Deals with the Biblical viewpoint of UFOs angels, aliens and angels - See SOLAR-SYSTEM-PLANET-MOON UFO, expanding earth and other related web sites.
"Do not expect us to give you instructions, you are free to do as you will, our work is done. The knowledge has been planted, and even if you should decide to do nothing, it has also been planted in the collective consciousness of man, of which you have the knowledge. Millions of the departed have listened with you, they know as well as you do."
"When it is obvious that you have chosen of your own free will, we will be prepared to give you a few hints. The first thing you must do is to control the impact of your publication to prevent hysteria and fanaticism. You can only accomplish this by being mysterious about the source of your information. We know that you have made photos of our navigation dome and you must destroy them. The block of metal which we offered you at the beginning of our conversation cannot be given anymore. If, however, you do manage to find some proof of our existence, things will get out of hand and you will be destroyed by the hysteria of mankind. Write your book in clear science fiction style and bring in certain, so that it cannot be used as irrefutable logic. You must leave people free to believe or not, as they choose. If anyone should ask you if it really happened, you must deny it and say that it is pure imagination.
Honesty is dangerous for you and no measure in interplanetary contacts. Therefore, you must not publish all the information in one shot, but step by step and measure the results. Never strive to be believed. Your duty is only to publish this information and nothing more. Let the books lead their own lives and avoid publicity stunts. They will then pass from hand to hand and reach the people for whom they are intended. Insure that they are published in a sufficient number of languages and use the income from the book to this end. Make sure that it is available at the end time when people will begin to ask for it. Never try to convince people of the truth in the book if they are not ripe for it, or if they are unable to understand it. Never bring pressure to bear on your surroundings, for that will only create panic and hysteria. "Remain modest. Answer questions only from people who have for the most part understood the book and accepted it. - UFO-CONTACT FROM PLANET IARGA "Suns, due to the rotation of their critical mass, are natural spacecraft which, under the influence of the particle bombardment of their neighbors, navigate space with free cosmic vector powers. Through these powers they maintain their distance from other stars and cause the turning moment and the expansion of galaxies. The sun wheel, therefore, is a copy of the power of a sun. A sun wheel can exert power only in the horizontal plane and one alone can, therefore, not navigate. It is necessary to place a smaller wheel beside the main central wheel, on both sides, that of the landing units, so that a torque can be created in order to steer the ship. When this ring system is covered by metal plating, the discus form appears naturally."
FSU researcher's "buckypaper" is stronger than steel at a fraction of the weight - DID MISSILE TEST SPARK CHINESE UFO REPORTS? - Jan. 15, 2010
A man named Daw who lives in Mori county, on the Mongolian border, said: "My friends and I were walking home. Suddenly we saw the sky had a bright spot in the west, it was spinning in clockwise movement toward the south. It was surrounded by a white fog that constantly expanded. In the center there also appeared a blue iris that expanded, then gradually faded and finally disappeared. " - ANYONE FOR SOME ARCTIC ROLL? MYSTERY AS SPIRAL BLUE LIGHT DISPLAY HOVERS ABOVE NORWAY - Last updated at 12:53 AM on 10th December 2009
The mystery began when a blue light seemed to soar up from behind a mountain in the north of the country. It stopped mid-air, then began to move in circles. Within seconds a giant spiral had covered the entire sky. Then a green-blue beam of light shot out from its centre - lasting for ten to 12 minutes before disappearing completely.
Onlookers describing it as 'like a big fireball that went around, with a great light around it' and 'a shooting star that spun around and around'.
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute was flooded with telephone calls after the light storm.
Celebrity astronomer Knut Jorgen Roed Odegaard said he had never seen anything like the lights.
He said: 'My first thought was that it was a fireball meteor, but it has lasted far too long. 'It may have been a missile in Russia, but I can not guarantee that it is the answer.' Reminiscent of the descent of the Nommos¡¦ saucer back in the time of Noah.
See also Figure 1. UFO In Spiraling Decent Over Chung-Tu China (30 N, 105 E) - 10:40 PM; 24 July 1981
Figure.Norway UFO said to be a Russian Missile Failure. - "ELECTRIC" BLUE STREAK SEEN IN EASTERN SKY - November 29, 2009
I saw an electric blue streak in the eastern sky. The object was about 1 & 1/2 times the size of the moon at that time. The object was about an inch to the left of the moon, which was visually about a foot above the horizon. I noticed the object when it was at about the height the moon was at this point. It descended towards the horizon in a straight line lasting 1 to 2 seconds although the tail did not really appear to be tapering. I immediately thought meteorite & half expected to hear it impact somewhere east of Longview Washington. My impression was of a round electric blue, large object moving toward the eastern sky in very rapid stages. - SPIRAL UFO IN CHINA SAME AS NORWAY - 2009-12- 09
Russia admitted Thursday to another failed test of its much-touted Bulava intercontinental missile, after unusual lights were spotted from Norway across the border from the launch site. Story at WSJ.com with video... (Question: Why did Moscow initially deny that this was their missile?)
But we found a video (below) of a virtually identical incident in China. We also found a fascinating document (pdf) from the infamous Foreign Technology Division (DoD) with the enticing title "First UFO Incident For Our Country," authored by Long Ruyi (translated to English by Randy Dorsey), stamped October 7, 1983. Source: http://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/ufo/ADA133326_UFO.pdf
The document's subtitle is "UFO incident causes sensation throughout half of China." On page 1 of the document, it's written that "According to the Chinese Association for UFO Research, such a huge spiral UFO has occurred at least three times in the last four years over northwest China. During the inquiry into these matters, three viewpoints have been formed: 'the metor theory', 'the aircraft theory', and 'the flying saucer theory'." Video of spirilaing UFO was made in 1988. - FIRST UFO INCIDENT FOR OUR COUNTRY - October 7, 1983
Analysis of the 24 July 1981 UFO which was spotted and a saucer like vessel with port holes.
Figure. UFO In Spiraling Decent Over Chung-Tu China (30 N, 105 E) - 10:40 PM; 24 July 1981 - FLYING SAUCER OVER NORWAY? NO, JUST A MISSILE SHOOTING ITSELF DOWN - 11 Dec. 2009
Spectacular light show over northern mountainous region sends extra-terrestrial enthusiasts into overdrive - UFO SPIRAL IN SKY SEEN AND HEARD ACROSS WESTERN CANADA (Video) - | May 23, 2010
An object swooped down from the sky and then returned in a brilliant display on Friday night across the Western Canada areas.
"I have four sky cameras to catch meteors on and number three caught it", Murray said. "I saw it from my office while doing work. The object was on the monitor. By the time I rushed outside the object was gone but the loudest boom I ever heard from a distance struck shortly after."
Aircraft with Aerodynamic Augmentation Device operating November 9, 2009.
- FILER'S FILES #47 - 2009 - Nov 18, 2009
It takes but one white crow! However, this may have been another one.
Further, the Denaerde aliens are suspected to be the ones who have retransmitted a copy of Marconi's original long distance radio transmission.15, 16 This signal is reported to have been acquired by the Naval Observatory during August of 1924.17 The time of Marconi's transmission, and its reception 22.6 years later, requires it to have been retransmitted from a source less than or equal to 11.3 light years from Earth.
Marconi, in mid December 1901, made his first successful attempt at intercontinental radio transmissions between Europe and America. His first transmission was an encoded S and V letter transmitted by a crude form of HF using ionospheric bounce techniques. Amazingly, his transmission was reacquired once again in August 1924 (22.6 years later), but with some unusual data added. These signals were examined at the Naval Observatory which recorded the detected signals on photographic film (Robert Jackson; U. F. O. s; Quintet Publishing Limited, 6 Blundell Street, London N7 9BH;1992; pg. 71). The data was displayed in a falling raster format with the raster rate locked to the encoded letter. When the film was developed, the additional data formed the image of a crude face.
Imagine the following scenario. Marconi's signal was intercepted on the Moon. The Moon is only a hundred times more distant than Marconi's primitive receivers. These signals were relayed to 61 Cygni, 11.2 light years distant. Did the Denaerde aliens copy the transmission, modify it and relay it back to the Moon where it was rebroadcast to the Earth? Was this the signal analyzed at the Observatory 22.4 years later? Did this incident mark the United States Navy's first recognition of an extra-terrestrial civilization?
The Denaerde aliens seem willing to share information with humanity. This initial form of radio contact is entirely consistent with their behavior (see Chapters 11 and 12). >BR> Clouding this analysis are the short wave transmission experiments carried out in 1924 at the newly formed Naval Research Laboratory . Very short pulsed Morse "E" signals were stretched by ionospheric bounces and appeared like "T"s (but both the dots and dashes would be streched, and why could not one still distinguish one from another?). (Ed Lyon; THE MILITARY ROLE IN EARLY RADIO; Mid- Atlantic Radio Club, Labstracts, The Naval Research Laboratory, 4555 Ovelook Avenue, SW, Washington D. C.; 13 September, 1993; pp 4 - 7.) These two stories, one from the Naval Observatory and the other from the Naval Research Laboratories, published within a year of one another (and within two months after the author talked to a long time employee of the Naval Research Laboratories) are suspiciously time co-incident. Further, the latter's analysis appears poorly supported and raises the question as to if one was conveniently published after the other for some other purpose than historical information. - STEPHEN HAWKING WARNS OVER MAKING CONTACT WITH ALIENS - 25 April 2010
Aliens almost certainly exist but humans should avoid making contact, Professor Stephen Hawking has warned. - RUSSIAN PRESIDENT ASKED TO INVESTIGATE ALIEN CLAIM - 5 May 2010
A Russian MP has asked President Dmitry Medvedev to investigate claims by a regional president that he has met aliens on board a spaceship.
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the leader of the southern region of Kalmykia, made his claim in a television interview.
He also asks if there are official guidelines for what government officials should do if contacted by aliens, especially if those officials have access to state secrets.
Mr Ilyumzhinov said in an interview on primetime television that he had been taken on board an alien spaceship which had come to planet Earth to take samples - and claims to have several witnesses.
He has been president of Kalmykia, a small Buddhist region of Russia which lies on the shores of the Caspian Sea, for 17 years.
Comment: American federal law now considers direct encounters with aliens illegal. - HAVE ALIENS HIJACKED VOYAGER 2 SPACECRAFT? - May 13, 2010
IT left Earth 33 years ago, now it's claimed the Voyager 2 spacecraft may have been hijacked by aliens after sending back data messages NASA scientists can't decode.
The spacecraft late last month began sending science data 8.6 billion miles to Earth in a changed format that mission managers could not decode. - PRESIDENT EISENHOWER BRIEFED ON ET PRESENCE SAYS FORMER NEW HAMPSHIRE LEGISLATOR - May 12, 2010
Henry W. McElroy, Jr, retiring State Representative to New Hampshire, declared this week that former U.S. President Eisenhower was briefed about the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth. McElroy also said that the document he viewed while at the State Legislature made referrence to the opportunity for Eisenhower to meet the alien visitors. - "WE ARE NOT ALONE," SAYS NASA VETERAN - March 12, 2010
"In 1991, while monitoring a space shuttle mission, in the secret Mission Control Center at the Kennedy Space Center, I was flabbergasted to observe an entity that was eight to nine feet in height in the open Space Shuttle Pay Load Bay while it was in earth orbit."
The entity was very tall, much taller than the two NASA astronauts floating near it. I could estimate the height due to being familiar with the sizes of the interior of the Pay Load Bay of the shuttle. I was not able to view all facial features, other than thinking I recognized two eyes, a nose and since it had a large helmet on, nothing else was evident.
It was in a body tight type uniform space suit. I saw it at a distance on a 27 inch TV monitor. It appeared that the NASA astronauts were familiar with the entity. The entity appeared to be communicating with the two NASA astronauts. There was some NASA commentary, from the Houston Space Center, but there was no mention of the entity. Following a few statements, the audio discontinued, and I cannot recall if I heard any other comments.
About two months following my incident, I was informed of another report by another aerospace engineer. This person was also involved in the launching of space shuttles.
This shuttle engineer observed a similar entity, eight to nine feet tall, INSIDE the space shuttle crew compartment as it orbited earth. Yes, inside the shuttle! It was slouched over to protect its head from hitting the shuttle overhead structure. Again, it was communicating with two much smaller NASA astronauts.
During my numerous years in astronomical science and aerospace exploration, it is very obvious that the human race is controlled by an evil higher shadow government. It is powerful enough that it can override various national political decisions, keep us all in a condition of global slavery and total economic control. Are you aware of the decline we are presently experiencing?
The ancient Bible talks about Giants mating with earth women. Giants are included in all of earth history. Are they still with us?? The giants we both observed? - ALIENS 'ALREADY EXIST ON EARTH' BULGARIAN SCIENTIST CLAIM - 26 Nov 2009
Aliens from outer space are already among us on earth, say Bulgarian government scientists who claim they are already in contact with extraterrestrial life.
Work on deciphering a complex set of symbols sent to them is underway, scientists from the country's Space Research Institute said.
They claim aliens are currently answering 30 questions posed to them. Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, confirmed the research.
He said the centre's researchers were analysing 150 crop circles from around the world, which they believe answer the questions.
Work on deciphering a complex set of symbols sent to them is underway, scientists from the country's Space Research Institute said.
They claim aliens are currently answering 30 questions posed to them.
Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, confirmed the research.
He said the centre's researchers were analysing 150 crop circles from around the world, which they believe answer the questions. - UNDERGROUND CITIES FOR 2012 SURVIVORS?
- UNDERGROUND CITIES FOR 2012 SURVIVORS? Part 2 This guy was murdered just like McDonald was (#9) in the deserts of Arizona.
- IS ET IN CHARGE? - November 25, 2009
What if politics, a potential panic, a technology race, possible economic disasters, and the unknowns disclosure would have on Christian fundamentalists have nothing to do with the reason to keep the extraterrestrial reality a secret? What if aliens have infiltrated the U.S. government and other world governments and are pulling political strings from some unseen spacecraft outside of the Earth’s orbit or buried deep in some secret base under the sea?
When one considers all of the information out there now on UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors in books, magazines, and television programs, the notion of our government being controlled at least partially by otherworldly creatures sounds less and less silly. Polls indicate that most Americans believe UFOs are real and that the government is involved in a massive cover- up. With that in mind, it makes no logical sense to continue the cover-up. Why not put everything on the table to confirm what everybody already believes? ET aliens exist, honest or non-deceptive politicians are nowhere to be found on planet Earth - UFO CONTACTEE WARNS APOPHIS ASTEROID COULD DEVASTATE EUROPE - 11 Jan 2010
Meier, who claims that the information was first provided to him by extraterrestrial human beings in 1981, published a warning in 1991 that if the 350 meter-wide asteroid strikes Earth, it would "split the crust of the Earth from the North Sea to the Black Sea and create a new continent".
Who to Trust Meier says that in 2009 the extraterrestrials again urged that “terrestrial scientists must use everything conceivable” and immediately begin the process of sending nuclear devices to deflect the asteroid's path. They strongly advised against blowing it up and said that trying to land on the asteroid, or using sails or other methods to deflect it, would be impractical and nearly impossible.
Meier's American media representative, Michael Horn, added, "Meier was told that only earth scientists could stop this event. Considering the extraterrestrial source and the proven accuracy of Meier's copyrighted and published predictions, all of us should be encouraging NASA to cooperate with Russia and the international scientific community." - RUSSIAN NAVY UFO RECORDS SAY ALIENS LOVE OCEANS - 21 July, 2009
The Russian navy has declassified its records of encounters with unidentified objects technologically surpassing anything humanity ever built, reports Svobodnaya Pressa news website.
The records dating back to soviet times were compiled by a special navy group collecting reports of unexplained incidents delivered by submarines and military ships. The group was headed by deputy Navy commander Admiral Nikolay Smirnov, and the documents reveal numerous cases of possible UFO encounters, the website says.
“Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,” he said.
On one occasion a nuclear submarine, which was on a combat mission in the Pacific Ocean, detected six unknown objects. After the crew failed to leave behind their pursuers by maneuvering, the captain ordered to surface. The objects followed suit, took to the air, and flew away.
Many mysterious events happened in the region of Bermuda Triangle, recalls retired submarine commander Rear Admiral Yury Beketov. Instruments malfunctioned with no apparent reason or detected strong interference. The former navy officer says this could be deliberate disruption by UFOs.
“On several occasions the instruments gave reading of material objects moving at incredible speed. Calculations showed speeds of about 230 knots, of 400 kph. Speeding so fast is a challenge even on the surface. But water resistance is much higher. It was like the objects defied the laws of physics. There’s only one explanation: the creatures who built them far surpass us in development,” Beketov said.
“Ocean UFOs often show up wherever our or NATO’s fleets concentrate. Near Bahamas, Bermudas, Puerto Rico. They are most often seen in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in the Caribbean Sea.”
Another place where people often report UFO encounters is Russia’s Lake Baikal, the deepest fresh water body in the world. Fishermen tell of powerful lights coming from the deep and objects flying up from the water.
In one case in 1982 a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the seven men died, while four others were severely injured.
“I think about underwater bases and say: why not? Nothing should be discarded,” says Vladimir Azhazha. “Skepticism is the easiest way: believe nothing, do nothing. People rarely visit great depths. So it’s very important to analyze what they encounter there.” Alien visitors are less likely to get shot at when visiting our co-sentient species, the Whales and dolphins. - RUSSIAN NAVY UFO RECORDS SAY ALIENS LOVE OCEANS
Dr. Peter Creola, a retired Swiss chief delegate at the European Space Agency (ESA) and head of the Swiss office for space policies, has joined forces with those who demand the truth about UFOs. ESA is the European version of NASA. On the topic of disclosing the truth about UFOs, Dr. Creola said “…you cannot unconditionally trust NASA.”
Robert Fleischer, Coordinator of Exopolitics Germany praised Dr. Creola by stating “There are not many European high officials who dare to step forward when it comes to the reality of the UFO phenomenon… As chairman of the ‘Ariane Programme Board’, he played a key role in launching the first European carrier missile ‘Ariane’ and has been involved in numerous key projects of ESA.”
Fleischer also shared comments by Dr. Creola from a recent interview published in “Mysteries”, a German magazine: - BUSH BACKS ALIEN EVIDENCE
The US President used his budget document to declare that there may be "space aliens" to be discovered. - ROSWELL OFFICER'S AMAZING DEATHBED ADMISSION RAISES POSSIBILITY THAT ALIENS DID VISIT
Haut died last year, but left a sworn affidavit to be opened only after his death.
Last week, the text was released and asserts that the weather balloon claim was a cover story, and that the real object had been recovered by the military and stored in a hangar. He described seeing not just the craft, but alien bodies.
He wasn't the first Roswell witness to talk about bodies. Local undertaker Glenn Dennis had long claimed that he was contacted by authorities at Roswell shortly after the crash and asked to provide a number of child-sized coffins. - Von Braun Was At Roswell
Dr. von Braun explained how he and his (unnamed, for now) associates had been taken to the crash site after most of the military were pulled back. They did a quick analysis of what they found. He told me the craft did not appear to be made of metal as we know metal on earth. He said it seemed to be created from something biological, like skin. I was lost as to what he indicated, other than thinking perhaps the craft was "alive." The recovered bodies were temporarily being kept in a nearby medical tent. They were small, very frail and had large heads. Their eyes were large. Their skin was grayish and reptilian in texture. He said it looked similar to the skin texture of rattle snakes he'd seen several times at White Sands. His inspection of the debris had even him puzzled: very thin, aluminum colored, like silvery chewing gum wrappers. Very light and extremely strong. The interior of the craft was nearly bare of equipment, as if the creatures and craft were part of a single unit. - MOON RISING: Evidence of a massive NASA cover up?
- Video: Fireball lights up sky over Iceland
The police in Selfoss caught these weird lights in the sky on tape shortly after midnight last night. The officers were going east during a routine highway patrol on Eyrarbakka-road when they noticed a spectacular flare which to them seemed to be heading to the river Ölfusá. Speculations are that this was a meteorite entering the atmosphere.
Many saw the flare and notified the police, and the flare was seen all around the south of Iceland and in Akranes. It is believed impossible to have been an emergency flare. - Someone Else is on the Moon and May Oppose Impacting the Moon - Sep 30, 2009
- Moon Structure Found About Center of the Moon on NASA Google - Sep 23, 2009
- Spaceship or Structure Found on the Moon - Sep 16, 2009
Verification of "Messages From Michael"; Yarbro; 1979, 2005; Pg. 227.
Verification of "Messages From Michael"; Yarbro; October 1980; Pg. 271.
This Vulcan web site was initiated by Yarbro's Michael publications.
"Michael's People"; Yarbro; July 1988; Pg. 71. - AND ON THE EIGHTH DAY … DID GOD CREATE ALIENS?
As the Pope's astronomer, Guy Consolmagno must reconcile faith and science, then work out what to do if ET phones Rome
Even in the 1950s, priests knew that aliens and the Church didn't compute. If there were extraterrestrials out there, their existence could effectively herald the death of God – cutting the ground from beneath key biblical truths, not least of which is the claim that humankind was made in God's image. - SCIENCE FACES 'DANGEROUS TIMES'
He will warn core scientific values are "under serious threat from resurgent fundamentalism, West and East". - 8 IN 10 SAY ALIENS REAL
ALMOST 80 per cent of us believe in aliens - and we think Nelson Mandela would best represent Earth in a close encounter.
One in 15 people think they have seen a UFO, with most sightings coming from the North West, according to the Science Museum in London. It will host a new exhibition, the Science of Aliens, from October.
ET was found to be women's all-time favorite sci-fi movie whereas most men preferred Star Wars. - ALIENS ARE OUT THERE, SAY SCIENTISTS
"Put these numbers together, she claims, and we will encounter aliens by 2025.
A good bet, since according to Mother Shipton, it will be 2026:
In nineteen hundred and twenty-six - In 1926
[Those who] build houses light of straw and sticks. - Japanese homes.
For then shall mighty wars be planned - World War II planned
and fire and swords shall sweep the land. World War II occurs
For those who live the century through - 2: Pervasive global fear, 1926 - 2026.
in fear and trembling this shall do.
Flee to the mountains and the dens - 3: People flee to the wilds.
to bog and forest and wild fens.
After the Washington Naval Treaty of 1923 relegated them to a position of naval inferiority, Japan prepares for war in 1926. This is when the 100 year period starts that she is speaking of.
And before the race is built anew, - 30: New Ice Age alien arrival.
a silver serpent comes to view
and spew out men of like unknown
to mingle with the earth now grown
cold from its heat and these men can
enlighten the minds of future man - 31: Aliens teach mankind how to live - MEXICAN AIR FORCE CREW TALKS ABOUT UFO CASE
Question: But despite that information, none of you could see the objects?
Answer: We never saw them. We couldn't make visual contact with them. See the proposed Vehicle Masking Device (VMD) - Patent #5,653,905. Patent disclosure 329624; 16 April 1993. Only the targeting component was patented. The patent for the masking component was denied, but revelation to foreign nationals is still forbidden.
Question: Then, only through the FLIR was it possible to detect the presence of these objects.
Answer: Yes, only with the FLIR system...the infrared camera.
Question: The eleven targets appeared on the normal (non-infrared) RADAR ?
Answer. No. The eleven targets were not detected on the RADAR screen. Initially, only one target was detected by the RADAR. Then another target appeared at one 'o clock, that's how we describe the position that is in the front but slightly to our right. And then a third one in back of the plane. Those were the only three targets that appeared in the RADAR screen during the incident. The other ones that were at nine 'o clock, on our left side never appeared on the RADAR.
Question: The objects movements on the RADAR were out of the ordinary ?
Answer: Certainly. Our data information - most of all, the icons (blips), the clusters - were always there on the screen, but the information on their movements was heavily changing. Their speed changes were sudden, 60 - 120 - 300 knots, according to the RADAR information.
The same happened with their flight paths. The flying paths showed first 90 degrees and suddenly 130 degrees in the RADAR screen.
Question: What does that mean ?
Answer: This means that the target changed direction constantly at great speed. There is no aircraft that can perform such direction changes so quickly.
Question: How much heat were the objects generating?
Answer. We managed several measures trying to get an image and all the time the targets maintained themselves very hot. We never found any irregular shape, they were spherical all the time. See the THE AERODYNAMIC AUGMENTATION DEVICE. - USAF REPORT OF UFO ENCOUNTER ONE
That the airforce plane detected electromagnetic radio signals oscillating at 2995 Mhz to 3000 Mhz coming from the ufo craft was interesting enough, but the fact that they, as the report verifies, were detected within a 'beat' frequency of 600 Hz has possibly unlocked the most significant piece of information about a UFO's electronic field propulsion. - CLOSE ENCOUNTERS - UFOS AND ALIEN PRESENCE IN INDIA'S HEAVEN OF CULTURE AND ARTS!
Why are UFOs and aliens flocking towards Shantiniketan? The answer may lie in what Shantiniketan is! It is the cultural heaven of India for arts and literature. There may not be much of India left after the anticipated 2006-2007 comet impact in the south. - REAL-LIFE ALIENS WOULD HAVE US FOR BREAKFAST
Noah's Ark suggests they have helped us rather than harmed us. - BREAKING NEWS WORLD EXCLUSIVE!
A Meteor That Entered Into The Atmosphere And That Would Possibly Wreak Havoc On Earth Was Broken Into Pieces And Rendered Ineffective By A U F O Before It Hit. I'm 100 percent certain that the object I saw was not a conventional aircraft, an asteroid or a comet. It was definitely a UFO. - TIBETAN MONKS SEE ETS SAVING EARTH FROM HUMANS IN 2012
Remote viewing is nothing new in Tibetan monasteries. For thousands of years remote viewing in the middle of other spiritual activities have dominated Tibetan culture. What some Indian tourists came to learn from a few Tibetan monasteries under the current Chinese rule is extremely alarming and fascinating.
Between 2010 and 2012, the whole world will get polarized and prepare for the ultimate dooms day. Heavy political maneuvers and negotiations will take place with little progress. In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive nuclear war. Monks also mentioned that beyond 2012 our current civilization would understand that the final frontier of science and technology is in area of spirituality and not material physics and chemistry. Beyond 2012, out technologies will take a different direction. People will learn the essence of spirituality, the relation between body and the soul, the reincarnation and the fact we are connected with each other are all part of "God. When asked if these extra-terrestrials will show up in reality in 2012, the answers remote viewers are giving is: they will reveal themselves in such a way that none of us scared. Well, they did build Noah’s Ark - CHINA AND INDIA BOTH KNOW ABOUT UNDERGROUND UFO BASE IN THE HIMALAYAN BORDER AREA DEEP INTO THE TECTONIC PLATES
It is well accepted between the UFO and extra-terrestrial experts that all the five nuclear powers are in contact with the beings from other stars for quite some time. Recently India has seen enormous news on UFO contacts and secret UFO bases in Himalayas near the Chinese bases. In Ladak, for example the locals clearly point out the everyday phenomenon of large triangular spacecrafts coming out below the ground and Indian security forces protecting them. - IS CONTACT UNDER WAY IN INDIA?
Persistent stories out of India indicate that something extraordinary is happening there involving UFOs. An Indian engineer working on antigravity propulsion has described studying advanced technology in "package" form-- technologies ready made to be analyzed and duplicated. But where are they from?
Offering another explanation of the increased military and UFO presence in the Tarai region, Chinese UFO Roundup correspondent Chen Jilin reported a rumor that Extraterrestrials are in cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party and New Delhi to fend off an attack from Americans or Israelis. - VYMANIKA SHASTRA REDISCOVERED
At the end of 2005, something profound will happen. They're not sure what, exactly, it may be but it could be an asteroid strike or a massive UFO invasion. - ET VISITORS: SCIENTISTS SEE HIGH LIKELIHOOD
Now a team of American scientists note that recent astrophysical discoveries suggest that we should find ourselves in the midst of one or more extraterrestrial civilizations. Moreover, they argue it is a mistake to reject all UFO reports since some evidence for the theoretically-predicted extraterrestrial visitors might just be found there. The researchers make their proposal in the January/February 2005 issue of the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (JBIS). - INFLATION-THEORY IMPLICATIONS FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL VISITATION
- Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (JBIS), Jan 2005 - 1/18/2005 This work seems to complicate an otherwise simple description of where alien civilizations may exist. - CHINA OVERTAKES CANADA IN OUTER SPACE SEARCH FOR ALIENS
I asked him, he being a retired CIA agent whose path and mine crossed briefly in this life, "If you can't tell me what you did, can you at least tell me what you learned?" His reply woke me up to what I already knew and suspect most humans know in their hearts who live on this planet, but don't want to know. He said, "Oh yes, I can surely tell you what I learned...Nothing in this world is as you are being told." - UFOS 'HAVE BEEN HERE SINCE 1947'
The US Air Force released this 1972 photo of a Viking space probe awaiting recovery at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico as part of its report on the 'Roswell Incident' of 1947
He investigated the site in Roswell, New Mexico where many people believe there was an alien crash landing. He analysed rock, earth and vegetation.
The area is surrounded by charred trees and bushes and a mysterious blue substance that dribbles down rocks.
The area in the Nogal Canyon is close to the well-known Socorro desert site where experts say another object appeared to have landed in 1964.
"It was a real find and as soon as I arrived there I knew what a special and peculiar place it was. There is nothing around it for around 70 miles, it is literally in the middle of nowhere. - ROSWELL FIREMAN CONFESSES- IT WAS A FLYING SAUCER! - March 06, 2009
Some time ago I located the son of Rue Chrisman. Rue was the Fire Chief for the Roswell Fire Department in 1947, passing in 1981 at age 98. Chrisman's son explained to me that he knew that the town's Fire Department was somehow involved in the crash event. But the son was sparse in his conversation, not really wishing to elaborate. When pressed, the son said, "It did happen. There was a big coverup. The crash was real." I asked him how he knew of this, he paused and said, "I knew too many who knew."
I then asked him if any Roswell Firemen from 1947 are still alive. He replied that there was still "one left." He only mentioned the surviving fireman's surname as "Smith" and that one of his family members attends the same church as the involved fireman. Working with Kevin Randle, we identified and located the elderly gentleman and sought his testimony.
An intimidating Colonel from Roswell Army Air Field visited the Roswell Fire Department immediately after the crash. The Colonel explained to the fireman who were at the department that day that an "unknown object from someplace else" had crashed in the desert outside Roswell. The Colonel warned that no one was to speak about the event to anyone ever. He also commanded them that nobody was to go out to the site or respond to any inquiries about the event. He explained that "everything was being handled by the military."
The crash was of a craft not from Earth. The Fireman explained that it was not a balloon or any type of military experiment. He said that it was a "UFO." When I said to him that the term "UFO" was not used back then...he said it was "unidentified- a flying saucer." I asked him how he knew this and he stated that he was certain it was because of "what I was told at the time it happened." He explained that the Colonel did not know what the craft was or from where it came...and that there was great concern over the situation.
The Roswell City Manager knew about the event and came into the Fire Department to personally and forcefully order the department to say nothing of the crash. Although the Fireman could not recall the City Manager's name at the time, I knew who it was. When I mentioned the name "C.M. Woodbury" to him, he said that did seem to be the name. As it happens, C.M. Woodbury would have been a very intimidating individual with whom to reckon. This is because C.M. Woodbury was known as the "Iron Major" - a decorated War vet of the notoriously effective 752nd Tank Battallion. Woodbury was also very close friends with Butch Blanchard, the Roswell Army Air Field base Commander.
It is said that when a man becomes a Fireman, his greatest act of bravery has been accomplished. In this case though, the old Fireman's greatest act of bravery was to tell what he knew about the Roswell event for the sake of history and truth. - FORMER ASTRONAUT: MAN NOT ALONE IN UNIVERSE - April 20, 2009
Mitchell, who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission, asserted Monday that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the truth is being concealed by the U.S. and other governments.
Mankind has long wondered if we're "alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we're not alone," Mitchell said.
"Our destiny, in my opinion, and we might as well get started with it, is [to] become a part of the planetary community. ... We should be ready to reach out beyond our planet and beyond our solar system to find out what is really going on out there."
Stephen Bassett, head of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), which hosted the X- Conference, said that the truth about extraterrestrial life is being suppressed because it is politically explosive.
"There is a third rail [in American politics], and that is the UFO question. It is many magnitudes more radioactive than Social Security ever dreamed to be," Bassett said. - 200,000 YEAR OLD STATUE FOUND ON MOON - May 5, 2009
The angel - a humanoid female with wing-like appendages on her back and long flowing hair - is made of an iron compound found exclusively in the highlands of the moon.
This rules out the possibility that it was dropped by a race of aliens from another planet. It’s been hand polished to a silvery metallic sheen. Based on chemical analysis of the metal, geologists estimate the sculpture to be 200,000 years old which means it was made 170,000 years before the human species appeared on Earth.
Others are not so sure of its religious significance. Dr. Miles Fredericks of New York University countered, “This is just more Christian propaganda. The Sumerians told stories of the Annunaki, winged deities, as far back as 18th century BC. Maybe the Sumerians were visited by these moon beings, who merely modeled the statue after their own image.” - 200,000-YEAR-OLD STATUE FOUND ON THE MOON (PURE BULLSH**)
- REGAN'S ALIEN speech to UN
Could this finally be it - 40 minutes of undisputed proof that we are not alone? - MASSIVE UFO DEVELOPMENT: CHINA MIGHT DISCLOSE SOON - 5 September 2009
Something bigger-than-big has happened in China as far as the UFO and extraterrestrial mystery is concerned. So big, you might want to make sure you are sitting down and not holding a hot drink as you read this.
Readers of this website might mow be familiar with the Solar Eclipse UFO Sighting that occurred in Deqing and was broken outside of China by us on the 25 July, Guandong Province, where a clear daytime UFO was seen by dozens of students and filmed and photographed by at least nine, producing incredible images such as the one above. The UFO was also seen to morph, changing colour and shape. - UFO - FLYING SAUCER CONFIRMED.
The event itself has been reported in over 100 Asian news outlets (yet oddly, completely ignored in the West). - STUBBORN ASSUMPTIONS FACE ON MARS - (Page updated 08/02/09)
1942 'Battle Of Los Angeles' Imagine a visiting spacecraft from another world, or dimension, hovering over a panicked and blacked-out LA in the middle of the night just weeks after Pearl Harbor at the height of WWII fear and paranoia. Imagine how this huge ship, assumed to be some unknown Japanese aircraft, was then attacked as it hung, nearly stationary, over Culver City and Santa Monica by dozens of Army anti- aircraft batteries firing nearly 2,000 rounds of 12 pound, high explosive shells.
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